The EPG (Electronic Program Guide) is generally referred to as the program guide broadcast by the broadcasters. The programs displayed here per channel group vary greatly in the lead time. We use this data to inform ourselves, to search the EPG with freely defined terms, to find similar programs (repeats) and to create timers or even autotimer on the Enigma2 box (PVR function).
The timers stored on the box can be checked and edited at any time. To be able to distinguish the timers in functionality, all important states of the entries are listed in the overview. With a double click on an entry we get access to all relevant information to edit the timer in duration, description, recording target, cycle etc. After editing, the data on the box is updated.
Bouquet Editor
In order to extend the channel bouquets delivered with Enigma2 or to edit them manually or just to edit them in sequence, we have a separate bouquet editor in e2remote. The editor basically consists of three columns. The left column contains our currently created bouquets, the middle column contains the stored programs and the right column contains all channels found during the last channel scan. The functions for editing are always located at the end of the respective column. The functions below the right column allow a selective filtering of all available channels.
Under the tab "Recordings" you will find our recordings stored on the Enigma2 box. We do not have access to the box's own standard folder for recordings, because the pull-down menu below gives us access to the E2 bookmarks stored in the box. These folders configured in the box can be used, for example, to define individual recording targets in the timer. If EPG data should be available to the recordings these are faded in on the right side. With the button "Stream" it is possible to stream recordings directly to the Mac with the VLC Player. Furthermore it is possible to delete, move or rename recordings.
With the FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client integrated in e2remote, you get access to the whole root filesystem. Experience is very helpful for the usage, because accidental deletion of files can limit or even destroy the executability of the current installation. Advanced users copy files quickly and purposefully into the file system of the image installed on the box.
The Linux OS underlying Enigma2 is based on a package management system. Every installation of plugins or extensions is therefore realized from packages. The information stored in the packages describes the version, possibly other packages depending on it and the destination in the filesystem of Enigma2. The package function used in e2remote allows to find packages already installed or offered in the box from the feed of the image provider. It is also possible to manually install packages downloaded from the internet.
Tools describes a wide range of available tools.The virtual remote control in the register "Control" illustrates the most important keys the infrared (rarely Bluetooth) device remote control enclosed to the device. However with a characteristic, because on the right side after each keystroke a screen SHOT of contents indicated on the TV is faded in. The "console" enables a simple access to the text-based Telnet commands of Enigma2, independent of foreign software. The entries in "Box Settings" require a current OpenWeb interface and thus allow to directly change some of the functions of Enigma2 that are sometimes very hidden in the menus. The installed image on the device.
"Autotimer" requires the installation of the extension of the same name on the box and thus allows the manual creation and editing of autotimer directly on the Enigma2 device.